One-on-One Guidance To Help You Shine
Every speech is a call to action. Or should be. After months of work on a project, don't just "wing it" in front of that big audience. Instead, contact me. Together we'll ensure you're ready for prime time.
How does speech coaching work?
We'll focus on content and delivery.
Content: Like a train picking up speed, we'll make sure your presentation gains momentum one idea after another. We'll build a persuasive argument so that, by the time you reach the conclusion, the audience will be compelled to take action. The emphasis will be on practical, hands-on skills (like using evidence effectively) that you'll then practice in class.
Delivery: Once content is nailed down, we'll focus on the fundamentals of public speaking. Among other things, we'll cover effective hand gestures, how to use the stage triangle, what to do about podiums, crafting killer visual aids, and more. Your delivery will be world class.
Click here to learn about my philosophy as a speech coach & speechwriter.
Coaching novice and veteran speechwriters at an international conference in Washington, D.C.
The CEO of Crazy for Life, Co. framing a clear, compelling call to action.
Why Me?
Here's what makes me different from other speech coaches ... I'm a speechwriter by trade. Most speech coaches will focus on delivery skills, but can they also draft talking points on short notice? Help a weak presenter unsure of his main point? Translate the CEO's jargon into plain English? If you're stumbling on content, let me help. As your personal speech coach and a professional speechwriter, I'll help you capitalize on strengths, so that you'll be in command of the room.