Sharing Ideas that Rock the World
Let's say you have a real blockbuster of an idea that'll rock this planet, drive up profits, or both. If you can't communicate it in a way that helps people grasp its power, you're out of luck.
Over the past 15 years, I've written speeches, op-eds, talking points, book chapters, event scripts & a whole lot more. My clients have included US cabinet members, CEOs, nonprofit execs -- busy people with no room for error. People like you. Trust me to draft your message.
Commencement speeches can be tricky ... but not for ABC News Senior Foreign Correspondent Martha Raddatz. I so enjoyed working with this smart, sassy, strong woman, who knocked her speech out of the park.
Dean Romzek at American University honors award winners. We took her remarks beyond a ceremonial speech by offering substantive commentary on the gov't shutdown taking place that year.
I was honored to serve as a speechwriter for US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates. This was, beyond a doubt, the highlight of my 20-year military career.
Now, How will this Work Exactly?
Once you've accepted a speaking invitation, we'll discuss the event in detail. What's the audience worried about? Jazzed about? What are they hoping to learn from you? We'll also explore the purpose of your talk: to inform? inspire? move them to action?
To accomplish all of this, we'll meet (in person or virtually) to identify a message that will resonate with your audience. We'll figure out what type of working relationship is best for you & agree to a schedule of deliverables. My goal is to ensure you're comfortable every step of the way.
Ideally, we'll finish one work week before the big event. That gives us time to rehearse and make final line edits. It also gives you peace of mind, knowing that you'll be ready to rock and roll. We'll get it done -- whatever way works best for you -- so that you shine on stage.
Please contact me to get started on your project.
I’m honored to have won a 2021 Cicero Speechwriting Award and Honorable Mention. Click here to read my speech (page 27) and please check out the other award winners!